Supplier Selection Requirements | Policy No 03

Supplier Selection Requirements

The following criterion will be applicable in the selection procedure/screening process of Suppliers. These conditions will become valid along with the other criteria which are already enumerated in the security policy manual of the company.

Financial Stability:

The supplier who will be considered for eligibility as suppliers must be verified before offering him / her any contract. To do the same, the following must be scrutinized.

  1. Bank statement: The supplier must be asked to submit his bank statement when he applies for contract. His bank statement will reflect his solvency state.
    1. Text return. The last updated text return has to be scrutinized before being considered for offering any contract. 
    1. Valid Legal Documents. Business partner should have to valid business license, trade license and others necessary documents.

Commitment to no money laundering and terrorism funding:

The business partner should have to be committed that they are not engaged with any money laundering or not funding to any terrorist party or any smuggling activities. Also committed to not engage with human trafficking, hijacking and no business with contraband item.

Background check of the Company: A thorough background check regarding their Security Controls, corporate history & Hiring practice has to be conducted before being considered for contract offer.

Access Control:

When a person is appointed as a contractor, he will be issued with an identity card. The ID will have to produce every time he enters the factory premises.

  1. Supplier card (ID card) will be issued to contractor’s people in the security main gate
    1. ID card must be hung all the time at the factory till he leaveing the factory
    1. He/she will not move anywhere from his designated work area
    1. Never enter to the factory’s security sensitive area.
    1. ID card must return to security in the main gate before factory leaving.


All the conditions reached with the concerned contractor must be laid down in an agreement deed. The deed has to be in a government approved stamp paper.


A person who is appointed as a contractor must always respect the rules and regulations of the concerned factory. He will abide by all the instructions pertaining to security as required are him.


The contractor will be bound to produce any document regarding the details of his job pertaining to his supply in the factory. He must possess a valid trade license and other necessary documents.

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